We Can’t Deny It
In our last blog entry, we noted that 65% of our guests in 2024 were international and that 7% of our guests were from the United States. This wasn’t just true of last year: it’s true of pretty much every year since we started collecting this sort of data. We love our international guests and we love our guests from the USA!
We don’t know what’s going to happen to world economics in the coming months and years, but it doesn’t look good. People all over are hurting from the increased cost of living, and we feel the effects of it. Obviously, if people are having trouble paying their bills, they’re not going to be spending money on travel.
On top of this, the rhetoric of nationalism is increasing everywhere. It’s natural that people want to take care of their nearest and dearest when things get hard. But scapegoating and fear-mongering is never the right response – and yet we see it growing. This is especially obvious among some politicians, who amp-up their language for elections. Here in Ontario, we are going to be facing both a Federal and Provincial election in the coming months. It’s going to be hectic.
Turn It Around
It is a solace in these tough times to see those who are not facing adversity with hatred. We agree with this stance, and we try to add to it ourselves. We want to show that we welcome everyone here – from every part of the world, from every culture, from every background, with every expression of identity and every experience of the world.
Of course, we love Canada and we love Ontario and we especially love Hamilton! That’s why we want people to come here. It’s not love of place that we reject, but those who insist that there is only one correct way of living and being. It is diversity that makes the world wonderful. We observe that every day.
So, we invite you to come to Hamilton. Our prices are affordable, which is needed in these tough times. There are a multitude of things to do and see here that will cost you zero dollars! In particular, the amazing Winterfest, which runs from February 1st – 17th, and is a family-friendly celebration of the season, art and culture. Naturally, everything you do spend here helps us and our neighbours to get through this particularly difficult winter.
Let’s Be Really Clear
The Pring Guesthouse is, and always will be, a welcoming and safe place for everyone who stays with us. We do not accept any form of bigotry, ever, for any reason.

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