The Whole World

Guests spending New Years together in 2013

We like to joke that we don’t get to travel, so we travel vicariously through our guests. By that metric, we have “visited”  more than half the countries on earth, on every inhabited continent and a great many islands, too. When we first opened, the majority of our guests were from Europe and Asia, with a few Australians and Canadians. However, over the last 10 years, this has changed. But it isn’t only that North Americans have figured out hosteling. We are also seeing more and more guests from Africa and South America. And these guests come for every reason you can imagine – vacation, work, school, special events.

A recent world traveler

There are too many stories to recount them all, but I will try to give you a sense of the atmosphere we enjoy so much. A young man from Japan wrote to us to request a dormitory bed, in the hopes that staying with others would help him improve his English. Unfortunately for him, for the days he was staying there were no English-speaking guests in the dorm! However, we enjoyed chatting with him and, in any case, his command of English was already excellent.

I enjoy watching new friendships begin at the hostel. This often happens when we have a group of like-minded people all thrown together for a big event. An older man cheerfully gave tips to younger runners when they were all staying for the Around the Bay Race – and runners from Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia and Canada all went out for dinner together to stock up on carbs the night before the race. When the K-pop band BTS had a series of concerts in Hamilton, the whole hostel became a fandom headquarters, with guests from all over North America – and some from even further off – bonding over their love for music.

Another time, a trio of young women all stayed together in our women’s dormitory. They didn’t know each other beforehand and each was in Hamilton for a separate reason. All three came from different continents and had different religions and life experiences – one Saudi Arabian, one German and one Chinese.  One a student, one a backpacker just travelling through, and one a medical intern. None spoke English as a first language, but they persevered and in the three days that they shared a room they discussed history, politics, sexuality, religion and more.

Sometimes, the evils of the world seem to be everywhere. Some years ago, I overheard a conversation between two guests, one from Ireland and one from India, commiserating about their historical colonial occupation. An Indigenous Canadian woman stayed with us while tracking down her missing cousin. And we have offered compassionate rates to refugees from war-torn parts of the globe, while they wait for permanent housing here in Canada. The world is not always a kind place, and it can be filled with danger. Bigotry and violence is an ever-present threat.

What we have to offer is not much, not enough to fix a broken world. A home away from home for all races, all religions, all sexualities and all identities. A place to share each other’s food and laugh at each other’s jokes. We like to believe that we have a welcoming place of calm and peace, where people can leave the cruelty of the world outside.

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This Old House

The William Pring House, home of the Hamilton Guesthouse, was built in 1855. There have been plenty of interesting characters living here, plenty of fascinating stories, from the macabre to the beautiful. We have done our best in the past 8 years to learn as much as we can about the building and its history, from previous owners and residents, from neighbours and local historians, from archives and old records. Hopefully, we’ll have a chance to share some of the stories we’ve uncovered.

Maybe the original “below stairs” kitchen?

Many people who live in old houses find interesting things when they poke around in the attic or the basement, or when they take down a wall or remodel a bathroom. Unfortunately, this house has had very little continuity of ownership over the last 165 years and previous owners have not always been respectful in their renovations. Working with knowledgeable friends, we’ve tried to piece together which features of the house are original, which are simply old, and which are modern.

For example, when renovating the basement shower in 2017, we discovered a huge fireplace, which had been long ago bricked up. The span (at least twice as wide as the existing fireplaces on the upper floors), seemed to have been bricked up into a smaller opening, and then later bricked up entirely. It wasn’t at all ornate, but just simple red bricks. Could it possibly show us the location of the original kitchen?

At some point, the heating in the house moved from wood or coal

Decades old damage being restored.

fireplaces to a central furnace. We don’t know exactly when. But in 2018 we undertook some extensive restoration work of the exterior stone, a project that was triggered when we noticed that the south-east chimney was starting to bulge and lean out into Cannon Street. While the stone masons meticulously deconstructed and re-built the chimney, they discovered the source of the damage – when the chimney was lined to allow a furnace to vent through it, the work was done quite poorly, and the stones were pushed out of alignment, allowing water to seep in and the freeze-thaw cycle to gradually damage the house.

Between regular aging and the leaning chimney, our roof started to leak. No one likes a leaking roof, but while we were up there putting buckets under the drips, we discovered some cast off remnants of the past. At one time, the house was lit with gas – we’re not sure if it was that way originally, or if it was introduced some time later. However, when the

An old, damaged gas light fixture.

gas lines were removed to upgrade to electric lighting, some of the long pipes were left in the attic. Among them, we found a single hall sconce, which had clearly been damaged and was left in the attic. Maybe a former owner had intended to fix it and keep it, or they simply didn’t throw it away at the time.

In late 2019, we did some upgrades to our kitchen and the ground floor bathroom, moved things around and changed the staircase to the basement. While the ceiling in the kitchen was open in order for the electricians and plumbers to work, we noticed the place where the old basement stairs used to be and, at the top of them, a door. Upstairs, our contractor pulled away the drywall and plaster layers to reveal the old basement door. It would have opened up under the existing spiral staircase, in an out-of-the-way corner. Rather than remove it, we opted

The walled-up old door.

to display it – even if it’s just in a bathroom.

Hopefully we’ll have the chance to share more stories of the Pring – of the building, of its former residents, of the good, the bad and the fascinating. We lack a great many records, and we can only guess from what we find in the house itself. But we’ll do our best to unearth as much as we can of the last 165 years in our little piece of Hamilton.

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In the Snail Zone

We have a sign on our front gate which says “snail zone.” This is because our kid loves snails (and all sorts of garden mini-beasts) and the garden is a no-kill zone for critters, especially her beloved slimy friends. It has certainly raised some questions among our guests, but generally gets a laugh, or at least a bemused smile.

It seems like we are definitely in the snail zone now. Hamilton Guesthouse at the Pring is one of countless small businesses around the country – and the world – which has closed down to help slow the spread of COVID-19. While some hotels are able to stay open, using additional cleaning and sanitizing to keep their guests safe, our shared spaces make us particularly unsafe for guests. We made the decision to close on March 23rd – we allowed existing guests to stay until the end of their reservation, but accepted no more guests, and cancelled all reservations until the end of April.

At this point, it looks like we (and everyone else) will be closed down longer than that. And, like everyone else, all we can do is follow the rules and best practices given by medical experts, stay home, and wait. We are hoping that maybe our space might be useable by medical workers who need a place to crash – but as yet nothing is organized.

In the meantime, we non-essential workers can only keep ourselves and our kids occupied. Local schools will be rolling out remote learning, and that will keep the kids busy for a little while. There are games, and crafts, and chatting with friends on the phone or online – staying connected with those we love. There will be a lot of gardening. There will be experimental cooking. There will be a huge amount of cleaning, sadly.

Superpiggies – Zelda, Impa and Louna!

One unfortunate side-effect of this virus is that people cannot always afford to take care of their pets, and therefore shelters and rescues are getting some new arrivals. This week, we took in three new foster guinea pigs – Zelda, Impa and Louna. They are in quarantine for two weeks, and then they and our three girls can make friends. Well, we hope they will make friends! And after that, we hope they will find a wonderful forever-home. Watching guinea pigs eat can be incredibly relaxing.

With the hostel closed down, money will be a concern. However, we are hopeful that we will get by and we will continue to support Hamilton’s people and businesses. We are looking forward to getting delivery from as many restaurants as we can, for as long as they can safely stay open. We are looking every day for ways we can help our community through this difficult and truly weird time.

Hopefully, by next month, we will be able to report that we will soon be welcoming the world back to Hamilton. Until then, we live in the snail zone – taking everything very slowly, and not leaving our home. Stay strong everyone – and stay healthy.

Spring is here and the bees are back.

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Weather Permitting

It’s March, and the world is starting to thaw and look alive again. Since December, Hamilton (and all of Canada) has been braced for the cold, for snow, and for the multitude of challenges that winter brings. It sometimes seems like spring will never come.

Knowing that winter can feel so long, Canadians are generally pretty adept at finding plenty to keep them entertained during the cold, dark part of the year. Skiing, skating, and other winter sports are obviously popular. Here in Hamilton, there are regular reports about how thick the ice is on the lake, and whether it is safe for people to go out on it. Cafes and restaurants do a brisk trade in warm drinks and comfort food.

“Rafaga – Unleashed” abstract sculpture in bronze.

During the holiday season there are parades, giveaways, and of course plenty of shopping. In February, Hamilton is host to Winterfest, which comprises of dozens of events like concerts, contests and arts displays. And all winter, if the wind isn’t too cold, you can enjoy a stroll around the town, taking in the sights as they lie blanketed in snow.

A few weeks ago, during an unseasonably mild and melted February day, we had the opportunity to be tourists in our own city and we chose to take a stroll down to the waterfront. The land referred to by locals as the “waterfront” consists of several different recreation areas – Pier 8, Pier 4 and Bayfront Park in central Hamilton; Cootes Paradise and the Royal Botanical Gardens in the west; and Skyway Park and Confederation Park in the east end. And many more, too, of course.

Looking towards Pier 4, with swans

All of these different areas have their own separate appeal, depending on what you enjoy doing. Open spaces to run and play sports, fly a kite, or throw down a picnic rug. Play equipment (including a really cool boat at Pier 4) for the kids, a splash pad for the hot weather. For those inclined, there are boat rentals at the boat club – for those happier to be passengers, there are boat tours. There are also geese, swans and other waterfowl – and adorable young ones if you come at the right time of year.

Cootes Paradise and the trails and outdoor spaces of the Royal Botanical Gardens are wonderful for hiking and watching birds and other wildlife. When the weather is still too cold to go outside, the RBG has wonderful indoor gardens with plants from around the world, and often fascinating exhibits. To get from one part of the waterfront to another, there is the hop-on-hop-off Trolley, an adorable little red buggy that trundles from Pier 8 to Cootes and back again. There are a lot of hidden treasures along the way. Ever heard of the Hamilton Fishway? A fascinating project to keep invasive species out of the Cootes Paradise conservation area.

Mooring spaces for watercraft, looking towards Cootes Paradise and the high level bridge

We chose to stroll around Pier 8. This area is the subject of a lot of talk at present, and there are plans for further development. Currently there are a few buildings and a large flattened rink that is used for ice skating in winter, and roller skating for the rest of the year. There’s a lovely view across the lake (in warmer months, it will be dotted with boats large and small) in all directions from this jut of land. A little further east (where we unfortunately couldn’t go due to construction on this particular day) along the waterfront trail is the HMCS Haida, a retired warship which is permanently anchored in Hamilton’s harbour, and is a National Historic Site.

On our day out we saw boats moored, people walking and jogging and skating at the rink, kids playing and lots of people enjoying some good food. The world wasn’t ready to turn to spring yet, but for one warm February day, we had a glimpse of how much fun there will be in a few short weeks. Hopefully we will have a chance to write about other amazing places to visit later in the year. But even in the depths of winter, weather permitting, Hamilton has a lot of sights to see and adventures to be had.

The Harbour Queen

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Stacey, Hamilton Guesthouse, and the Pring

Long ago, way back in 2004, Tanya’s little sister visited Hamilton. Her name was Stacey and she had been having a hard time at university and a relationship had ended. Before visiting Hamilton, she did what many young people do when facing a rough patch in their life – she put on a backpack and did some low-budget travel.

Stacey went single-female-backpacking through Europe and Asia for several months and, when her school vacation and money had run out, she stopped in to visit her family in Hamilton, before heading home to Australia. Her mind was full of the stress of her life and the excitement of her travels. The few weeks she spent with us, in our little house on Cannon Street, she called “the Ritchie retreat.” She was able to unwind, relax and refocus.

In Montreal, 2007


She also asked a very pertinent question. It is the question that started this whole thing rolling, and has brought us to where we are now.

Why are there no backpacker hostels in Hamilton?

We spent the next several years, on and off, investigating why that would be the case. It’s a story for another time. When Stacey visited us again in 2007, she pushed us again on the hostel issue and we went to Quebec City, Montreal and Ottawa. After exploring those cities and staying in some amazing hostels, we were pretty much sold on the idea. But would it work in Hamilton? We were pretty cautious and spent a few more years working on the kinks, talking to local friends and a few politicians who knew what was what.

It wasn’t until Stacey’s next visit, in 2010, that we finally got things underway. We had bought a house in May on Victoria Avenue – a skinny little place that was big enough to have a ground floor kitchen and common area, a second floor dorm (six beds) and one private room, plus bathroom, and live-in staff on the third floor. Stacey and her boyfriend agreed to live there while we got the hostel going. We figured that if we had no guests, we could find tenants and close the whole hostel idea down.

We opened in September 2010. Our first guest was a young woman from Japan. She checked in, freshened up, picked up some maps and then went to explore the city. We were elated. Slowly but surely, more guests came. By March 2011, we were regularly sold out. It was pretty clear that a backpackers’ hostel was, indeed, something that could work in Hamilton.

Stacey, always the traveler, this time in Los Angeles

Now, it wasn’t all smooth sailing. Stacey and her boyfriend headed back to Australia at the end of 2011 and we ran the hostel ourselves, with the help of occasional longer-term guests looking to help in lieu of payment. There were difficulties, but those are stories for another time. It was pretty clear by the end of 2011 that we needed a bigger venue, preferably closer to downtown. So the hunt began for our new home.

In January 2012, a house that we had always admired was listed for sale. It was huge. It was beautiful.

It was the William Pring House.

We couldn’t really afford it. But we put an offer on it. Our offer was accepted. We panicked. Fortunately, the seller didn’t want to move out until June, which gave us six months to raise the money we needed to close. On June 18th, 2012, we took possession of the Pring, and the work began in earnest.

With the invaluable help of our long-term guest, turned friend and co-worker, Tom, we bought and set up bunks and beds and couches and tables. The hostel continued to run in the old location until August, when we officially switched over. Our very first guests were a troupe of dancers from Italy, come to study and perform. Just as with our first opening two years earlier, we were elated and had hurdles to clear.

Every month and every year since we first opened has brought us new challenges and new joys. We have welcomed guests to Hamilton from every continent on Earth (except Antarctica!), from 112 countries (to date). It’s always a point of excitement when a guest arrives from a country that’s new to us – and it’s always wonderful when our guests return for another stay. Return guests from Cuba, Romania and Nigeria – among other places – call the Pring their home away from home.

We were struck suddenly and tragically by Stacey’s death in December 2018. She was 35 years old. There are simply no words to describe our grief.

The vision Stacey inspired lives on, among her many legacies. We will be forever grateful for the pushes she gave us, which started us down this path. Running the Hamilton Guesthouse has been a constant adventure and a great privilege and we are enormously proud to share it.

This September, 2020, will be our 10th anniversary. We have great plans for this year, and many years to come. We hope you’ll join us, as we continue to welcome the world to Hamilton.

One of Stacey’s favourite pairs of shoes, bought on James Street in Hamilton, which she took around the world with her several times.

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